Thursday, October 13, 2011


I do realize I have been absent since June 10 from updating this rather riveting saga (I’m sure you’ve all been checking your computers nightly…), but apparently some of you actually read this, much to my surprise.  Austin’s co-worker, Macy, reminded him to remind me that I hadn’t updated in a while.  In short, work has been nuts; life has been nutser (you know what I mean).  Here you go, Macy!
Since the last time I divulged about our continuing construction calamities, a lot has changed.  We broke ground, poured a foundation, framed out, insulation was blown, walls were sheet rocked, garage doors were installed, and tile was grouted! Funny how that took me .03 seconds to type but seemed like it took SOOOO long to occur, even though it really didn’t. I wanna move BAD…can you tell??  Aaaand the wait continues…
It has been utterly fascinating to watch the entire process. This could be because it’s my first home or the fact that I am an HGTV junkie and hope to one day find Candice Olson in my living room hanging curtains and positioning a pair of her Brady club chairs in my living room (check them out – they’re FABULOUS!  It’s a strange feeling watching your future place of memories evolve before your eyes.  It’s somewhat humbling and makes me feel extraordinarily fortunate to be in a position to do this at 23 years old.
I also think some of these emotions I am currently experiencing stem from my recent experience volunteering at Habitat for Humanity.  We closed down our offices at work and spent the day learning how to use nail guns, circular saws, and how to sheet rock.  It was a beyond rewarding experience that truly opened my eyes to not only how much work goes in to building a house, but also to the blessings I am so fortunate to have received.  I was lucky to spend a day helping someone else receive those same blessings. We all plan to go back as often as possible.
After walking as if I had been riding a horse for 4 days and massaging the rock hard knots out of my neck from my day of power tool usage, I was feeling almost normal again by Monday. I’m just glad I wasn’t the poor guy from Devon who shot the nail gun straight through his thumb, pinning him against the wall until the paramedics arrived.  Someone should give me THAT genius’s salary he’s probably making working as an engi-nerd. At least I didn’t skewer myself to the sheet rock, Bill Nye (yes, he actually has a legitimate engineering degree).
After three months of checking on our house nearly every day, it happened this week that we received locks on our doors and the garage doors were installed. This means we cannot come and go as we please, but we must get a key from Home Helper (remember her?) so we can get in. I guess it means we are one step closer to finishing. The tentative estimate to be finished by the end of September was squashed a long time ago by 9 ½ Finger Tom (remember him?), but I would rather them make everything perfect and be in there later than my house cave in when I change the toilet paper roll. We should receive our final projected closing date tomorrow. We are more than anxiously awaiting that phone call considering we locked in at November 15 and could lose our ridiculously low interest rate if we go beyond that. Pray that the construction gods are with us (for the 9,843 time).
Although everything has been rolling rather smoothly as of late, I will say the hubs and I have one more teensy thing we have yet to agree on… the island light fixture(s).  The “s” is precisely what about started World War 4 (WW 3 was over the storm shelter…remember that?)…. and  World War 5…and 6….. I think we are on World War 12 when it comes to this dang fixture. I want one large, stately fixture. Hubs wants three small, sleek, modern pendants. Boo. It always seems like the smallest things are the hardest to agree on.  I am hopeful the only “agreeing” that will be done in the next couple of weeks is him speaking the blissful words, “Get what you want.”  I am STILL waiting….

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