Thursday, June 9, 2011


A week or so (and a few minor setbacks) later, we were ready for our first design meeting.  I was planning on getting there an hour before my husband to look at all the pretty, shiny, sparkly things he couldn’t care less about and get all the squeals and giggles out of my system.  As my Friday at work is dragging by, I get a phone call from our designer, Dana, who tells me she has a stomach bug and cannot meet with us. Heavy sigh. Disappointment starts to set in until she tells me I can still meet with someone else. Giddiness returns. At this point my emotions are starting to resemble a rousing game of ping pong, and I am the ball.  Upon my arrival at the design center, I walk into a room COVERED in wood flooring, tile, carpet, granite, and paint swatches. I want to kiss the ground. THIS is what heaven looks like.  There are SO many choices! But I know I have to do my best and stay within the standards included in our purchase price. Damn.
After choosing some flooring and granite counter samples with our sub designer, AmyLynn, Austin arrives. He looks less than thrilled to be in heaven.  We start with some basic tile to warm him up to the process.  Warming up may have been moving too fast. I would have settled for unfreezing at that moment.  He was cold.  Stone cold. No opinions.  No emotion whatsoever.  ACK.   I was at the END of my rope. I threatened his five year old attitude with a night on the couch and no video games, and things slowly improved.  By the end I was receiving opinions, but we weren’t agreeing on much.  Carpet was a small victory. That took all of 30 seconds to choose. Granite was a close second, but kitchen cabinetry was like jamming a toothpick into your gums. He wanted dark stained. I wanted white antique painted. Double damn.
Resigned to the fact that we were going to have to come back to meet with Dana anyway, we called it quits and hoped stepping away would bring clarity.  Walking out the door didn’t bring as much clarity as it did some orange shag carpet Austin spotted from a MILE away and just HAD to touch.  “Living room?” he said with a sly smile. Bah. Just when I wanted to reeeeallly be angry at him, he made me laugh. I tried SO hard not to. It slipped out the corners of my toothpick punctured mouth. TRIPLE DAMN.

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