Thursday, June 9, 2011


Over Memorial Day, my mother-in-law is coming from Houston and she has not seen anything about our house.  Austin and I are both really excited to see her reaction.  We take her to the model home, which has a lot of our features, and then into the floor plan similar to ours under construction. She loves everything genuinely. The hubs and I couldn’t be more thrilled. Even though it’s our house and we are the ones living there every day, there is still something about seeing your mother’s reaction of approval that lets you know you’re doing the right thing. My mom tagged along, and we had a grand ol’ time. Sigh of relief.
The next week, I get online to the home builder website to look up some pictures and what I see on the home page sends my head reeling and my heart sinking.  In bold letters it reads: PURCHASE OR CUSTOM BUILD A HOME IN JUNE AND RECEIVE $5,000 IN FREE UPGRADES.  Damn to infinity!!!!  I immediately call Austin and my mother and pow-wow some way to see if we qualify. I want to have a solid argument if Home Helper balks at giving us this perk.  I want that $5,000! I make the call. Apparently Christen is on the phone right at the moment I decide to call.  Figures.  I hold. Less than 2 minutes later, she answers.  I don’t want to stutter as I ask. I want to sound confident. So I just ask. She tells me we qualify and she was going to call me that very afternoon to let us know. WOWZA.  That happened so fast. They had just decided the evening before to run the promotion. The five houses being built in the new section all qualify for the upgrades. My heart soars.  This means we won’t have to cut as many upgrades on our wish list as previously thought! My day has been made. I go around my office high-fiving everyone I see.  The next task at hand, however, has me thinking it could be a true relationship tester.  We have to narrow our wish list to make sure it fits within our budget.  Even with our newfound $5,000, we most likely are going to have to make some cuts.  Wish us luck. We’re going to need it!              

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